Friday, February 29, 2008

New Song

Here's a little something the Lord put on my heart. The chorus comes from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. The verse has been helpful over the last few weeks, and I wanted a way to share it with others. It starts of slow, but when the chorus hits it picks up and shows the joy Christ has restored in my life. Writing it was great; I started to stuggle with a chorus, but when I openned up my bible the verses just spoke for themselves. Can't wait to share it when I get home. God Bless!

Verse 1:
And I, I went away on a path I could not see
so many plans just sifting through my mind
I needed this, I need that,
to make me someone that this world would need

Pre chorus:
and it made me blind to you
and all that you can do
but through your grace
you broke me down...
to pick me up again!

and so we dont give up
cause through your grace and love
our spirits are made new from day to day
the troubles we recall, temporary and small
will soon be gone and your joys will overcome...

Verse 2:
And I, I went away with a prayer for greater change
not knowing what your plans might hold for me
I dont need this, I dont need that
cause from this world there is no truth to see

cause it made me blind to you
and all that you can do
but through your grace
you broke me down...
to pick me up again!

and so we dont give up
cause through your grace and love
our spirits are made new from day to day
the troubles we recall, temporary and small
will soon be gone and your joys will overcome...

Also check out Jonathan's blog for other details. He has some great stuff posted:

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Word

Hello again from NZ. I'm now in Dunedin after my first Hitch-hike experience. Jonathan and I were able to cover 250 K in 6 hours on Thursday with faith and our thumbs. It was an awesome day, and we met some cool people along our way. We havent done much since we've been here, but we have met up with some friends that we met in Queenstown. It's been nice to hang out and get to know them better. Yesterday I found out that Meagan has been dating someone else which kind of made things clear to me. I've been praying that if we were meant for one another than she'd be seeking the Lord as I am. It hasn't been easy for me, but the Lord has provided me with so much comfort about the situation. He's been showing me that there is so much more than the temporary misfortunes that life has to offer. This morning he led me to a verse in 2 Corinthians... Chapter 4 verses 16-18.

"That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed daily. For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now; rather we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever."

It just really showed me how little the things of this world are in relation to God. For so long I've tried to find my satisfaction in the expectations of others. I've tried to live my life to exceed peoples' expectatons and felt like a failure. No matter how hard we try we can never fufill others expectations because we always want more. The Lord is showing me that the only one I need to focus on is Him. By following His lead I can't go worng because He is the perfect rolemodel. I'm not claiming that I'm perfect now because I'm persuing the Lord, in fact, the closer I get to Him the less perfect I realize I am. Instead of dwelling on it though I feel motivated to grow closer to him. The depression that I've put myself into over the last few years has been based on the fact that I was trying to take charge and make things happen. I'm continuing to learn that God has a purpose for me, and it's not up for me to find out right now. Seeking His will has brough me so much joy and has rescued me from the pressures of the world. Last night God allowed me to visit with a nonbeliever about my testimony here in New Zealand. I was telling him all of the bad things that had happend with a smile and excitment. There is no way I could have done that without the Lord in my life. Don't get me wrong...they still hurt, but I have a comfort knowing that HIs bigger plan is ahead of me.

Take this for what it's worth, but I feel that the only way to find true happiness in this world is through Jesus Christ. I've tried to seek happiness in worldly things (ex. relationships) but temporary joy is all I found. And as I watched it crash down around me I can only thank Christ for giving me the gift of being a part of something bigger.

I can't even put into words how I feel now, because of the joys in my life. I feel free from myself and the world and it's amazing. I just pray that those of you back home who claim to be Christians really evaluate your relationship with the Lord and question whether or not you are seeking His will with all of your heart.
John 3:36 says
"And all who believe in God's son have eternal life. Those who don't OBEY the Son will never experience eternal life, but the wrath of God remains upon them."
Just a thought to encourage all of my brothers and sisters in Christ to seek to obey the will of the Lord and not take advantage of his mercy and grace.

With much Love,

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Still Alive

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to take a few min to let everyone know I'm still alive over here. It's been a little crazy with all of the exciting things going on...
-hang gliding
-glacier hiking
- ect.
Also, it's been tough finding internet cheap enough to spend time writing.

Anyway, things are going great! God continues to show himself over and over. We parted with our Dutch buddy Frank several days ago and spent a few days in Wanaka. We were sad to see him go, but excited to see what our next adventure would bring. We met some new dutch friends who gave us a ride to Queenstown. This is where I'm writing from now. It is beautiful here, but a bit touristy. We just finished our hang gliding trip and it was sweet. Not quite as exciting as skydiving in wanaka, but still amazing. In wanaka I broke my tooth in a celebration after jumping from the plane. Jonathan's buckle bounced up and chipped a nice chunk out of my front tooth. However, i was able to get it fixed for free here in Queenstown so I'll always have a piece of NZ close to me. Kind of a cool story after the fact.

In the next few days we're praying for a ride to Milford sounds and then connections on toward the east coast. I cant wait to see what happens.

Just wanted to take some time to catch up a bit, but when I get a chance I have so much more to add. Mainly about what the Lord has been doing with my heart, and how He's bringing new found joy and understanding to me. It awesome! Keep praying, I continue to do the same for yall.

In Him,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thank You!

I just wanted to take a quick min to thank everyone for thoughts and prayers. I've found it expensive to sit on the computer all day trying to return emails and such so I wanted to use this time to say thanks to everyone.

The Lord has really been working on me, and showing me a whole new outlook on life. I feel like for so long I've been trying to take charge and run things my way, but He has showed me otherwise. I'm learning that giving things to the Lord really does work. He has provided free meals, rides, and places to stay over and over again through faith and a lot of prayer. It has been truely amazing to see just how great our God is when you just have a little faith. Lately, I have found so much more joy in just living life. A lot of the pressure has been lifted from my shoulders, and it is refreshing.

Today, Jonathan, Frank, and I walked part of the Able Tasman track and saw some beautiful things. Frank by the way is a guy from Holland who has offered to be Jonathan and my ride. He has the car so we're helping to pay for fule. It was an answered pray for sure because otherwise we'd be walking. After two days of praying about it and receiving a free meal from a local pastor, we ran across a message from Frank as plain as day. It was awesome! Anyway, we're with him for the next 10 days or so which makes me really excited and thankful. Tomorrow we are going to kayak down the coastline for a while, and hopefully see some seals. It should be a great time!

I hope all is well back home where ever you are, and thank you again for thoughts and prayers. Please keep them coming as I continue to pray for you. Also, if you have any requests of your own please feel open to send them my way.

In Him,

Friday, February 1, 2008

God is Good

Sorry it's been a while since my last post, but Jonathan and I have been busy. We made it to the south island and hiked 71 k across the Queen Charlotte Track. It was a rough 4 days, but we survived. It also gave us both time to grow closer to the Lord. After making it down we found a nice little camp ground at the base of the trail where we rested for 2 days in a nice little cabin. During that time we met an elderly couple who offered to give us a ride to Nelson. It was an answered prayer for sure. We had been praying for a lift all day, and without even asking them they came to our cabin and asked if we needed a lift. If that isn't God working I don't know what it. A little on the sad note, Meagan and I decided to take some time apart to figure things out. We both feel that we need to grow some before we can fully appreciate a strong relationship. I don't know where the Lord will lead us, but whatever he decides will be right.
Today in Nelson we met a pastor at a local church, and have made plans to meet up in the next few days to visit and get to know more about each other. I'm really excited about the chance to visit with him.
Lately I've had a lot to think about and pray about including my future. Today after a bit of a breakdown, i feel like the Lord has put the thought of becoming a Worship Leader on my heart. Where and when i dont know so please be praying for that. It would be an awesome way for me to involve all of my passions while giving the glory to God.
Please continue praying for Jonathan and me. We continue to pray for everyone back home!
I truely love each and every one of you who is keeping up with this blog.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Days and Sunny Skies

Well the car has been taken caare of, and I'm only out $1,000 NZ. Could be a lot worse so I'm glad it's all behind me. Today I found a little backpacker guitar in hopes of inspiration for some new music. I figured treating myself to something nice would help wash the bad taste in my mouth. The weather can't be anymore beautiful here in Wellington today so I'm starting to think the worst is behind us. Thank you for all of your prayers and thought over the last few days, they have surely been comforting. I find it truely amazing just how wonderful our Lord is because He's helped me to see just how small my problems have been the last few days. He's helped me to push them away and forget them so it's only up from here. It is truely beauful here and I'm going to enjoy every minute I have left here.
Peace and Love!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Well, after 2 days I was able to locate my bags and hit the road. We rented a car and headed to Bay of Islands and Hot water beach to find them closed down due to a cyclone off the coast. We made the best of our situations by enjoying the beautiful landscapes and continuous joking about our luck. However, the jokes became a little less funny when and 18 wheeler swiped the back of our rental car. Luckly were all ok, but because I was driving the expenses are coming from my pocket. I'm trying to stay positive because I know it can only get better from here. The sounth island is only a few days away, and I hope it will bring me much better luck. I hate that i have nothing exciting and beautiful to report, but stay patient and it will come. Godd Bless all of you, and please pray for us on our adventure.
Peace and Love!